Example - uncertainty estimates with Monte Carlo

by D. Ilić, N. Rakić, May 2023 (last modified)

Open source code FANTASY (Fully Automated pythoN tool for AGN Spectra analYsis) is a python based code for simultaneous multi-component fitting of AGN spectra, optimized for the optical rest-frame band (3600-8000A). For the detailed description of the FANTASY code and its usage, please refere to the general Tutorial. Here we illustrate an example tutorial how to run FANTASY on a set of spectra, with one approach for spectral uncertainty estimates.

FANTASY currently treats the uncertainties in the spectra, and consequently in measured spectral quantities, using a Monte Carlo approach, similar as in Rakshit et al. 2020.

We introduce a command monte_carlo(nsample=N), which creates a number N of mock spectra (set by the user), by adding Gaussian random noise to the original spectrum at each pixel. The same fitting model is then applied to all mock spectra as was done for the original one. Note that before running the monte_carlo command, a spectrum must be fitted at least once.

Spectral quantities of interest (flux, line widths and shifts) can be estimated from the original and mock spectra, giving the distribution of each spectral quantity. For the uncertainty one can then take the semi-amplitude of the range enclosing the 16th and 84th percentiles of the distribution (see also Ilic et al. 2023).

Below is the described example. Once again, for description of general steps of the FANTASY code usage, please refere to the basic Tutorial.

#Before starting, we call some of the standard python packages, such as matplotlib, pandas, numpy, etc.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.ticker import (MultipleLocator, FormatStrFormatter, AutoMinorLocator)

from natsort import natsorted

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import glob

import json
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
  1. Importing commands

# Below command import the necessary commands for preprocessing and fitting of spectra

from fantasy_agn.tools import read_sdss, read_text, read_gama_fits

from fantasy_agn.models import create_input_folder, automatic_path

from fantasy_agn.models import create_feii_model, create_model, create_tied_model, continuum, create_line, create_fixed_model
  1. Making a list of spectra to be fitted

# This command makes a list of all spectra with the name starting with "spec" and extension ".fits",
# from the folder of this notebook or a folder with the given path e.g.,'/path/to/files/spec*.txt'

files= glob.glob('spec*.fits')
# In this example, the folder contains two spectra, listed below.

['spec-1059-52618-0453.fits', 'spec-0461-51910-0361.fits', 'spec-2770-54510-0433.fits']
# This command checks for the number of available CPUs of the computer facility in use

  1. Defining a function for spectral preparation and fitting

# Following the general steps of the FANTASY code usage, given in the basic Tutorial
# (https://fantasy-agn.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Tutorial.html), we define the function which:
# 1) reads an AGN spectrum and corrects for Galactic extinction,redshift, and the host galaxy contribution;
# 2) creates automatic path of the input line lists;
# 3) defines fitting model and fits the original spectrum;
# 4) creates output files: '*_model.csv' for the fitted components and '*_pars.json' for the parameters;
# 5) creates N mock spectra, run the same model for the fittings, and saves in default file '*_pars.csv'.

# NOTE: Writing data from the fits files is optimized for the SDSS header, be aware that
#       other fits file may contain other data/keywords.

# In general you could create as little as 50 mock spectra to get the uncertainties (see Rakshit et al. 2020).
# Here we generated 500 mock spectra so we could plot nice corner plot (see below).

def fitting(unit):

#  reads an AGN spectrum, corrects for Galactic extinction, redshift, and host galaxy
            s.err=np.abs(s.err) #make sure that all errors are positive

# crops a spectrum, and creates automatic path of the input line lists

# defines fitting model
            cont=continuum(s,min_refer=5350, refer=5550, max_refer=5650,min_index1=-3.7, max_index1=1,max_index2=3)
            broad=create_model(['hydrogen.csv', 'helium.csv'], prefix='br', fwhm=2000,min_fwhm=1000)
            narrow=create_tied_model(name='OIII5007',files=['narrow_basic.csv','hydrogen.csv', 'helium.csv'],prefix='nr',min_amplitude=0, fwhm=300,min_offset=-300, max_offset=300, min_fwhm=10, max_fwhm=1000)
            outOIII4958 = create_line("outOIII4958",pos=4958.896072,fwhm=outOIII5007.fwhm,ampl=outOIII5007.ampl / 3.0, offset=outOIII5007.offs_kms)
            model =cont+narrow+broad+fe+out

# fits a spectrum with the above model, iterate 2 times
            s.fit(model, ntrial=2)
            print("fit ok")

# creates a file to save the fitting results of the original spectra
            d={'wave':s.wave,'flux':s.flux,'error':s.err,'model':model(s.wave),'cont':cont(s.wave), 'narrow':narrow(s.wave), 'broad':broad(s.wave), 'fe':fe(s.wave),'out':out(s.wave)}
            dicte=zip(s.gres.parnames, s.gres.parvals)
            res['redshift']= float(s.z)

# creates a file to save the fitting results of the original spectra
            with open(s.name+'_pars.json', 'w') as fp:
                            json.dump(res, fp)

# creates N=500 mock spectra, fits the same model, and write the fitting results.
            print("mcmc ok")

    except :

  1. Running the above function on all listed spectra

if __name__ == "__main__":

    pool = Pool()#processes=(cpu_count() - 1))  # Create a multiprocessing Pool
    pool.map(fitting, files)

Host contribution is negliglable
Host contribution is negliglable
Directory  spec-0461-51910-0361  already exists
global spec-0461-51910-0361/
Directory  Directory spec-1059-52618-0453  spec-2770-54510-0433 already exists
 already existsglobal
stati 118829.84895381817
stati 303200.3258724115
1 iter stat:  198.2415891863002
1 iter stat:  11.967124601660089
stati 103195.07643200555
2 iter stat:  78.09676958380987
fit ok
2 iter stat:  3.830125467366088
fit ok
1 iter stat:  9.490706956271879
2 iter stat:  6.692557719217348
fit ok
mcmc ok
mcmc ok
mcmc ok

You are DONE!

[ ]:

  1. Plotting the results

You can plot the fitting results from the *model.csv saved data, using your favorite plotting style, an example is given below.

x_tics=np.linspace(4000,7000, 6)

for file in natsorted(glob.glob('*model.csv')):


    plt.style.use(['nature', 'science'])

    fig, ax =plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))

    plt.plot(df.wave, df.flux, '-', color="#929591", label='Obs', lw=2)
    plt.plot(df.wave, df.model, '-', color="#F10C45", label='Model', lw=2)

    plt.plot(df.wave, df.cont, '-', color="#042E60", label='Cont.', lw=2)
    plt.plot(df.wave, df.narrow, '-', color='#25A36F', label='Narrow',lw=2)
    plt.plot(df.wave, df.broad, '-', color="#2E5A88",label='Broad H', lw=2)
    plt.plot(df.wave, df.out, '--', color="orange",label='Outflow', lw=2)
    plt.plot(df.wave, df.fe, '-', color='#A8B504', label='Fe II', lw=2) ##CB416B

      plt.plot(df.wave, df.fe_forb, '-', color='xkcd:black', label='[Fe II]', lw=4)

    plt.xticks(x_tics, fontsize=24)
    plt.tick_params(which='both', direction="in")


    plt.legend(loc='upper center',  prop={'size': 24}, frameon=False, ncol=2)
    plt.xlabel(r'Rest wavelength ($\rm{\AA}$)', fontsize=24)
    plt.ylabel(r'$F_{\lambda}$ ($10^{-17}$ $\rm{erg s}^{-1}\rm{cm}^{-2}\rm{\AA}^{-1}$)', fontsize=24)


    plt.text(0.98, 0.98,name[:20],fontsize=20,ha='right', va='top',transform=ax.transAxes)

    plt.savefig(name, dpi=300,bbox_inches='tight')

<Figure size 252x189 with 0 Axes>
<Figure size 252x189 with 0 Axes>
<Figure size 252x189 with 0 Axes>
  1. Inspecting the fitting results

The fitting parameters and the distribution of erros, are given in the files ‘*_pars.json’ and ‘*_pars.csv’ files, respectfully.

# The file e.g.'spec-1059-52618-0453_pars.csv' displayes the distributions of fitting parameters,
# obtained from fitting the 50 mock spectra with the same model.

# Read the data from a CSV file
data = pd.read_csv('spec-1059-52618-0453_pars.csv')

Unnamed: 0 brokenpowerlaw.refer brokenpowerlaw.ampl brokenpowerlaw.index1 brokenpowerlaw.index2 nr_OIII5007.ampl nr_OIII5007.offs_kms nr_OIII5007.fwhm nr_NII6584.ampl nr_[OIII]_4363.ampl ... feii.amp_z4F feii.amp_y4G feii.amp_b4G feii.amp_x4D feii.amp_y4P feii.offs_kms feii.fwhm outOIII5007.ampl outOIII5007.offs_kms outOIII5007.fwhm
0 0 5601.833278 27.661115 -1.886605 1.285373 90.030909 79.927144 262.552354 21.709037 2.463396 ... 3.766073 1.222758 0.059910 1.784739 1.767865 1297.964381 3447.866124 16.189181 -215.436777 1375.076704
1 1 5602.949862 27.603594 -1.897492 1.310958 93.229528 79.828271 250.631663 19.212871 4.685545 ... 4.864951 1.095603 0.166194 1.875734 1.781046 1244.039688 3353.439627 16.394772 -225.711097 1389.038436
2 2 5602.955127 27.602271 -1.895995 1.288885 91.482020 79.675358 258.780422 18.876666 3.934760 ... 5.735411 0.975745 0.038551 1.698598 1.988186 1349.881506 3381.244256 17.065463 -227.202391 1301.666745
3 3 5599.814785 27.596388 -1.885510 1.259516 90.810037 80.495484 256.763539 20.432095 0.060480 ... 4.335902 0.761467 0.367688 1.930351 1.663426 1260.497119 3401.508435 15.359279 -230.380607 1428.906926
4 4 5604.364059 27.604931 -1.894737 1.250180 90.277398 78.652679 263.892457 19.019876 2.637820 ... 7.611617 0.601650 0.292939 1.926874 2.025564 1247.948653 3333.656222 15.567539 -229.093132 1477.972070
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
495 495 5593.732880 27.654418 -1.907969 1.304835 88.984667 80.165934 244.015207 22.370792 1.726612 ... 2.369640 0.033113 0.241139 1.433509 0.008827 786.272857 5234.744936 17.996355 -158.775120 1000.057904
496 496 5590.103641 27.657548 -1.902963 1.310495 88.164603 85.736888 248.875368 21.010313 3.674431 ... 4.977409 0.074588 0.078061 1.488694 0.000000 742.629534 5245.025753 17.807423 -148.302027 1000.000000
497 497 5588.797113 27.623553 -1.901716 1.289579 86.935027 81.753303 245.770348 19.911446 3.758005 ... 4.493472 0.064236 0.198553 1.586191 0.000000 727.870952 5217.491484 17.228992 -133.059601 1000.000000
498 498 5587.945574 27.607072 -1.901192 1.318754 88.294354 79.623165 251.342968 24.922500 0.163727 ... 4.429281 0.084288 0.174495 1.615609 0.000000 795.732192 5055.713984 17.541603 -171.294738 1000.000000
499 499 5591.712394 27.641545 -1.909657 1.276419 87.218556 84.347219 245.364619 21.968134 0.153243 ... 3.112688 0.022737 0.068382 1.550585 0.009826 790.492793 4980.271167 18.473638 -169.956815 1000.060274

500 rows × 65 columns

# For the distribution of uncertainties, you can make a well-known corner plot.
# Here we used corner package (https://corner.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install/)

# In general you could create as little as 50 mock spectra to get the uncertainties (see Rakshit et al. 2020).
# Here we generated 500 mock spectra so we could plot contours within corner plot.

import corner

# Define the format of the panels
    tick_param=dict(axis='both', labelsize=16),


# Select the columns you want to include in the corner plot
columns = ['br_Ha_6563.fwhm', 'br_Ha_6563.fwhm', 'feii.fwhm']

# Extract the selected columns from the data and define labels
selected_data = data[columns]
labels = ['FWHM Ha [km/s]', 'FWHM Hb [km/s]', 'FWHM Fe II [km/s]']

# Create the corner plot with axis labels, and range of values
corner_plot = corner.corner(selected_data, labels=labels, range=[(4200, 4800), (4200, 4800), (4500, 5500)],**CORNER_KWARGS)

for ax in corner_plot.get_axes():
    ax.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=16)

# Display the plot



  1. Rakic, N., 2022, MNRAS, 516, 1624

  2. Ilic, D. et al. 2020, A&A, 638, 13

  3. Kovacevic, J. et al. 2010, ApJS, 189, 15

  4. Shapovalova, A. I. et al. 2012, ApJS, 202, 10

  5. Ilic, D., Rakic, N., Popovic, L. C., 2023, ApJS, accepted